
IT doesn’t have borders. Technology doesn’t stop. Neither do we.


 Everywhere Solutions

It’s good to have specialized tools, but sometimes you need something you can use for everything. There’s nothing wrong with being a Jack-of-All-Trades.

That’s why we’ve designed this suite of IT solutions to be your organization’s bread-and-buttter, no matter where you go.


Including Microsoft 365

SkinnyOffice WorkSpace includes subscriptions is Microsoft Office 365, a
solution that enables businesses of all sizes to realize the benefits of cloud
computing. Office 365 covers all of your business’s needs—from email hosting and
collaboration tools along with access to the latest versions of the Microsoft Office
applications and more. It will be business as usual for your staff as they send and
receive emails, schedule meetings, edit documents and share resources all from
one easy-to-use interface from anywhere on any device.

Take Printing On The Go

With SkinnyOffice Workspace, users can print documents to a single on-site printer no matter where they are, or what device they’re printing from.

Printing from a remote device to a local printer helps you and your team to have physical access to all the documents you need, regardless of location.

Access Anything Anywhere Anytime

With SkinnyOffice Workspace, everyone in your organization can access all the files they need, no matter where they are.

Both Cloud and Onsite data will be able to be accessed easily and securely with VPN-less remote access from any device.

Secure Always And Everywhere

When we manage your devices, we set them up with the same security no matter what network they’re on or where in the world they are.

We protect all of your devices (and the data on them) from compromises and attacks, and allow you to control what applications and websites can web accessed from your devices.

Manage Every Device, Everywhere

We’ll manage all of your organization’s devices from initial procurement until the end of its lifecycle.

You won’t have to worry about keeping your PCs, laptops, phones, and tablets updated or secure – we constantly monitor every device in your network to make sure it’s up-to-date and fully secure.

We’ll Always Support You

No matter what happens, SkinnyOffice is here to help you, no matter when, where, or how much of it you need. If anything changes, breaks last minute, isn’t working like it should, or comes up completely unexpected, we’ll assist you with whatever you need and get your organization back on its feet.

Your IT Department in a Box

SkinnyOffice WorkSpace is a turnkey technology solution that includes all the vital IT capabilities that Small and Medium Businesses need to succeed.

✓ Productivity   ✓ Security   ✓ Mobility   ✓ Resiliency   ✓ Support

WorkSpace allows businesses to better plan and budget for their IT needs while reducing risk. With us as a partner you’ll look at IT not as a necessary evil; but as a competitive enabler for your organization.


Success Stories

Ohio Collision Group Updates Legacy Network Infrastructure & IT Systems
Ohio Collision Group Updates Legacy Network Infrastructure & IT Systems
Financial Services Company Rapidly Deploys Remote Work Infrastructure
Financial Services Company Rapidly Deploys Remote Work Infrastructure
Strengthen Use Case
Strengthen Use Case
Resiliency Use Case
Resiliency Use Case
Resilience Use Story
Resilience Use Story
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150 East Mound Street (Suite 201)
Columbus, OH 43215-5429


M-F: 8:30am - 5:30pm
S-S: Closed

Call Us

(888) 854-1949


Digital Work Environment.
The gateway to your workday. From anywhere. On any device.


Network as a Service.
Our all-in-one managed network, security, and support solution.


Voice over IP.
Access on-premise or off-site & mobile. Stay connected anywhere.

Device Management

Endpoint Support.
Extend support to devices used to access your WorkSpace.

Premise IT Solutions

On-Site IT Network
We'll set up and manage your office's IT network, so you can focus what's important. 

Remote Work

Working Together, Separately 
If you’re facing new challenges due to remote work, SkinnyOffice has the solutions for you.

Hybrid Work

Flexibility Anywhere
You can work anywhere, and so can SkinnyOffice. We'll be as flexible as you need.


Endless IT
Technology doesn't know borders, and neither do we. Simplify IT no matter where you go.


Help Now. WorkSpace subscriptions include unlimited user support.


Start Fast. Let us handle getting new employees’ setup in IT systems.


Protection Everywhere. End to End professionally managed Cyber security.


Total Management. Health and Security monitoring for your entire device fleet.


Complete Logistics. We handle order placement, provisioning, and direct delivery.