Anti-Robocall Education

Anti-Robocall Education

Planttel is very concerned about the number of suspected illegal and unwanted robocalls our customers receive and the potentially harmful impact they can cause. Every day scammers use the telephone to try to trick people out of money or obtain access to personal...
Effectively Managing Your Lobby During COVID-19

Effectively Managing Your Lobby During COVID-19

The 2020 pandemic has forever changed the way companies interact with their customers. SkinnyOffice LobbyManager has been updated with new no-contact features to help keep your customers and staff safe and comply with social distancing laws on top of our existing...

The benefits of employees working remotely

If you or your company is interested in working remotely, Our SkinnyOffice Workspace service will take care of all your remote needs and seamlessly replace your office computer.  SkinnyOffice WorkSpace allows your business to meet new workplace challenges with a...


Digital Work Environment.
The gateway to your workday. From anywhere. On any device.


Network as a Service.
Our all-in-one managed network, security, and support solution.


Voice over IP.
Access on-premise or off-site & mobile. Stay connected anywhere.

Device Management

Endpoint Support.
Extend support to devices used to access your WorkSpace.

Premise IT Solutions

On-Site IT Network
We'll set up and manage your office's IT network, so you can focus what's important. 

Remote Work

Working Together, Separately 
If you’re facing new challenges due to remote work, SkinnyOffice has the solutions for you.

Hybrid Work

Flexibility Anywhere
You can work anywhere, and so can SkinnyOffice. We'll be as flexible as you need.


Endless IT
Technology doesn't know borders, and neither do we. Simplify IT no matter where you go.


Help Now. WorkSpace subscriptions include unlimited user support.


Start Fast. Let us handle getting new employees’ setup in IT systems.


Protection Everywhere. End to End professionally managed Cyber security.


Total Management. Health and Security monitoring for your entire device fleet.


Complete Logistics. We handle order placement, provisioning, and direct delivery.